Sunday Worship ♱ 8:00 a.m. ♱ 10:30 a.m.
2310 Airline Drive ♱ Brenham, TX 77833 ♱ (979) 836-7248
Ministries for Adults
Sunday School
Sundays, 9:15, Adult Sunday School Room
Adult Bible Study is offered on Sunday Mornings between the 8:00 and 10:30 services. We gather to learn more about the Bible and discuss its teachings in a small group setting. Children’s Sunday School is also offered on First and Third Sundays in the Children’s Sunday School Room.
Wednesday - Evening Bible Study
This bible study meets regularly on Wednesday from 6-7 pm and covers a variety of themes and books of the bible from the Gospels, Psalm, and more.
Wednesday - Morning Bible Study
“Walking through the Word” The Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets in the library from 10 to 11:30 am. In addition to working through books of the Bible, the group looks for how to make visible in each person’s life the work of God. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, laugh, pray, and support one another.
Thursday - Evening Bible Study @ Pioneer BBQ
The club meets on the third Friday of each month at noon in the library. Each person brings their own lunch and dessert is provided by participants on a rotating basis. Members select books (fiction or non-fiction) to be read and discussed. The book club is currently on hiatus due to Covid-19.
Friday - St. Peter's Book Club
The club meets on the third Friday of each month at noon in the library. Each person brings their own lunch and dessert is provided by participants on a rotating basis. Members select books (fiction or non-fiction) to be read and discussed.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - "On the Move" Exercise Class
An aerobic exercise class for seniors meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Education Hall. They gather from 9:30 - 10:30 and exercise to music from rock and roll to country. It is free and open to the public!