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Mission + Outreach

Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

2310 Airline Drive Brenham, TX 77833 (979) 836-7248​

Outreach Ministries

St. Peter's is deeply committed to embodying the Gospel of Jesus Christ into our local community of Brenham, Texas. Outreach is an integral part of the life of St. Peter's. St. Peter's has a long history of helping children and feeding the hungry.

Not only adults but also children and youth are encouraged to participate in one of our many opportunities for community engagement, especially in our food security projects: Mobile food pantry, Brenham Housing Authority weekly food pantry, and the emergency pantry at our church.

St. Peter's Food Pantry

St. Peter’s houses an in-house Emergency Food Pantry to serve people on Monday, Wednesday and Friday who need to supplement their groceries. We turn away no one. Parishioners furnish non-perishable food items to the pantry weekly as a part of their weekly offering in church. When available, we also help pay rent and utility bills through the Rector's discretionary funds.

Brenham Housing Authority Food Pantry

Through a request by the BHA's board, St. Peter's volunteers help to furnish and man a Saturday morning weekly pantry at their Community Center. This pantry is for BHA residents only and they can select the food they need. In the first five weeks it was open, 82 different households were served.

Washington County Food Security Initiative

Carol Peterson, a former Deacon at St. Peter's, led the organizing of the Brenham Food Security Initiative. A group of mission-minded individuals from various churches, Brenham Independent School District, Bread Partners, and service organizations in Washington County gather monthly to address hunger issues. A need was recognized that although many children qualify for free breakfasts and lunches during the school year, they may not have access to good, healthy food during the summer months. Thirteen churches and other organizations came together on a rotating basis to provide 713 child meals and 118 adult meals.

SMART Kids Programs

Each year, St. Peter's volunteers host the kids who attend the SMART after-school tutoring program at Faith Mission for festive seasonal parties for pumpkin-carving, ornament-making, and more. All who are involved find the smiles on the children are contagious and worth every minute of the afternoon.

Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets

Through contributions of food and money from St. Peter's members, baskets containing turkeys and all the fixings for a hearty family Thanksgiving dinner are delivered to families in Brenham who need help providing a meal for Thanksgiving.

Angel Tree Project

This Christmas project provides presents to children in foster homes. A few weeks before Christmas, members purchase gifts for children, which are delivered to Child Protective Services.

St. Peter's Art Sale

St. Peter’s annual Art Sale is a joyous event showcasing artists from Brenham and our surrounding community.

If you are an artist and are interested in finding out more about participating, contact Carol Muegge at