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Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

2310 Airline Drive Brenham, TX 77833 (979) 836-7248​

Fellowship Opportunities

It is our privilege as a church family to walk with one another through life’s ordinary and extraordinary moments. At St. Peter’s, we take every opportunity we can to gather together and enjoy one another’s company.

Sunday Hospitality

Following the 10:30am service, it is our custom to congregate in the Activity Hall to visit. Coffee and refreshments are provided by our wonderful volunteer hospitality teams.

Dinners and Other Celebrations

St. Peter's members like to get together and socialize to celebrate seasons of the church. During the various seasons of the year we celebrate Christmas, Mardi Gras and other notable occasions with parish wide meals.  A week after the Super Bowl we host a community wide men’s chili supper.  We also gather during the season of Lent for programing and a light supper.

Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is a religious order for women who are members of the Episcopal Church. The organization was founded in 1885 by Anna Hanson Dorsey, who was inspired by the story of the woman with the issue of blood in the Gospel of Matthew. Members of the order take a vow to pray daily, serve others, and study the Bible, and they wear a cross pin as a symbol of their commitment. The order is open to women over the age of 18 who are confirmed members of the Episcopal Church.

Jr. Daughters of the King

Girls aged 7 - 21 years old get together monthly to pray, do service projects and find ways to serve God. They show their love of God through prayer and service projects. They collect food to place in "Bags of Grace" to hand out to homeless people on the streets of large cities and they collect and wrap toiletry items for seafarers who come to the Port of Houston during the Christmas season. And they have fun too by organizing a tea for the ladies of the church where all get to dress up in hats and gloves.

Men's Prayer Breakfast

On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month the men of the parish gather in the activity hall to pray for the concerns of the church and grow in their faith and bonds of fellowship. All men of the church and community are invited for prayer, coffee, and breakfast sandwich or taco.

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