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Worship Ministries

Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

2310 Airline Drive Brenham, TX 77833 (979) 836-7248​

Worship Ministries

At St. Peter’s we have several ways that you can participate in serving other in worship. Lay ministry grows your faith and strengthens the bonds of friendship with your church family.

If you are interested in serving in worship ministries, please contact St. Peter's at: (979) 382-3289


The acolytes serve an important ministry by assisting the priest during Sunday worship, Training is offered as needed. Children from 4th grade, youth, and adults can become acolytes.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist the Celebrant in administering Holy Communion, reading Sunday bible lessons and prayers. A LEM may also serve as a lector/intercessor for some worship services. You must have been confirmed or received by a bishop.  Training is done locally and is certified by the Bishop of Diocese of Texas. 


A Lector "conveys the Word of God in the liturgy". Lectors usually read the first Lesson and may lead the congregation in the spoken psalm appointed for the day. Lectors are trained locally and appointed by the parish rector.

St. Peter's Choir

Music a central part of Episcopal worship. The choir sings hymns, psalms, and other special music at appropriate times at various services including our normal Sunday Worship.  Some musical pieces are solos, choral pieces sung by the choir only, and many congregational pieces.


Ushers assist in our service by greeting worshipers and by handing out the order of service bulletin to worshippers as they enter, by gathering the offering, helping to seat people, and assisting congregational movement during Holy Communion. Ushers also assist at weddings and funerals as needed.

Altar Guild

To serve in God's sanctuary and at God's Altar is a high privilege of this ministry. Members clean, care for, and prepare the space, vessels, and vestments for worship. Women and men who would like to serve in this capacity are appointed by the rector and should be confirmed communicants in good standing with the parish. New members are welcome and will be trained for this ministry.

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