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Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

2310 Airline Drive Brenham, TX 77833 (979) 836-7248​


Confirmation is a rite of passage that marks the point at which an individual affirms the faith that they were baptized into as a child and becomes a full member of the Church. It is performed by a bishop, who lays their hands on the head of the person being confirmed and prays for the Holy Spirit to come upon them.

Young Adults + First Communion

Confirmation is encouraged for young people who have reached the age of reason. A short preparatory class with the priest leading up to confirmation is required. First communion typically coincides with confirmation.

Adult Catechism Class

Baptized adults that have not been confirmed are highly encouraged to do so. Adult catechism classes are available as needed.

If you are interested in confirmation, please contact St. Peter's at: (979) 836-7248


Reaffirmation is the act of reaffirming the faith that a person was already baptized and confirmed into. Reaffirmation and reception are typically seen as important steps for individuals who were baptized and confirmed as children but who have not been active in the Church, and it provides an opportunity for these individuals to reaffirm their faith before a bishop and become fully involved in the life of the Church.


Reception, on the other hand, is the act of being welcomed into the the Episcopal Church as a member from a church tradition that is part of the historic episcopate ( Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and some Lutherans ). This involves being received into the Church by a bishop. This is normally done alongside confirmations.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, confirmations from other Christian traditions are considered valid.

Reaffirmation is the act of reaffirming the faith that a person was already baptized and confirmed into. Reception is the act of being welcomed into the Church as a member. Confirmation is the point at which an individual affirms thier faith and is confirmed as a full member of the Church by a bishop.

The Liturgy of Confirmation

The liturgy of confirmation includes the presentation of the candidates, the laying on of hands by the bishop. It also includes a number of prayers that are to be said by the bishop and the congregation during the ceremony, as well as a number of responses that are to be made by the person being confirmed and the sponsors. The liturgy concludes with prayers and thanksgivings. This service is normally occurs as part of a Sunday morning Holy Eucharist service.